Contact Us

We will always strive to provide you with the best online service possible. We welcome any suggestions, comments or questions that you may have and we will endeavor to respond as quickly as possible, usually within 48 hours.


You can write to us at:

Michelle Ensley
P. O. Box 166
Wilkeson, WA. 98396


What are Flower Essences?
Flower Essences are not
therapeutic drugs - but work
on the mind, body and spirit
and are obtained by extracting the healing vibrational quality from the most evolved part of the plant - the flowers. They work on an emotional level, harmonising negative feelings and belief patterns, held in the subconscious mind.

How are they prepared?
Flower Essences are prepared
by imprinting a flower's unique
vibrational healing signature
onto a carrier solution of brandy and water. This is achieved by working with flowers, under ideal conditions, that are growing in the wild in an environment free from...
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How do Flower Essences work?
The concept of healing that was
shared from such great healers
as Hippocrates, Paracelsus,
Hahnemann, Bach and Steiner
was a simple one. They all
believed that good health was
a result of emotional, spiritual
and mental harmony and found
that when they...
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